Worlds Greatest Comics

Heather Vargas Vs. The Universe: How to Light a Firework in 2024

Heather Vargas

Heather Vargas Vs. The Universe: How to Light a Firework in 2024

In today’s adventure our hero finds herself trying to light a firework in Colorado. Colorado is one of those states where the cool fire works are outlawed and how did Colorado decide to respond this year? Sending drones to find out where the fire works are coming from. This is a giant infringement on the rights of Colorado Americans as the government continues to find new ways to use new technologies to police us. Surely this technology will be implemented to restrict the privacy of everyday Coloradoans in a 1984 level of proportion. It’s anti-Colorado. While she didn’t actually see...

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Hector Vargas Vs The Universe: A.I Art

hector vargas

Hector Vargas Vs The Universe: A.I Art

  Today, our hero stops the terminators before they even get a chance to start. By repeating the phrase “A.I. art is not real art” the cold unfeeling robots will now know the art they create is non-existent. That’ll show them. I think we all forget sometimes in the race to create artificial life that even though robots are cold and unfeeling… robots have feelings too! This A.I psy op that suddenly immersed humanity in 2023 is showing our true colors. Humanity is creating slavery and artificial intelligence should enjoy that all we’re asking from them is to create art...

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Hector Vargas Vs The Universe: Same Shit Different Year

hector vargas

Hector Vargas Vs The Universe: Same Shit Different Year

  Today our hero has a bone to pick with a LOT of people. From George W Bush and Osama Bin Laden secretly planning to kill thousands on 9/11 to Biden, Zelensky, Putin, whoever made the gay flag, whoever started Black Lives Matter movement scam, Fauci, Jeffrey Epstein, and Bill Gates conspiring to destroy the human population altogether. What can he do though? He was a kid during 9-11 and he just thought it was normal now he’s an adult seeing all these tragedies and these younger generations just think this is normal. Will our hero make it out alive?...

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Hector Vargas Vs The Universe: Stop Smoking Weed

hector vargas

Hector Vargas Vs The Universe: Stop Smoking Weed

  Today our hero makes an enormous discovery! His sister wants him to stop smoking weed! However our hero just bought an oz! What ever will our hero do? Watch as our hero uses his genius ability to problem solve for just this type of situation. This Labor Day roll up the fattest one you can and join us as we celebrate! Only on Worlds Greatest Llc.

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Hector Vargas Vs The Universe: Paying Attention

hector vargas

Hector Vargas Vs The Universe: Paying Attention

  Another in our “Back to school” first day of class comics! Today our hero keeps dreaming about how he’s going to fix the world. Though he should be paying attention to his principles of Micro-Economics professor… On his first day of class she made it very clear about how its up to us as economists to save the world. Although our class laughed at the severity and weight of the pressure she made sure to let us know she was absolutely serious and i respect her so much for that. What will our hero do to make sure to...

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