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Heather Vargas VS The Universe: And the Prisoner of Asskaban

Heather Vargas

Heather Vargas VS The Universe: And the Prisoner of Asskaban

Today our hero finally, after years and years of applying and reapplying, gets accepted into the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We made it through orientation and all the school events on campus and even made some friends with some bad witches and cute wizards. Now comes the final part of orientation, selecting a house to dorm in for the semester. Will she make it into Slytherin likes she’s always dreamed? Will she be courageous enough to join house Gryffindor? How about raven claw and Hufflepuff? Let’s be real she’s probably a Hufflepuff! Which house will the sorting hat...

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Heather Vargas VS The Universe: This Birthday Is Bananas

Heather Vargas

Heather Vargas VS The Universe: This Birthday Is Bananas

Today our hero celebrates her greatest achievement, being born! Join us as we go on to an island jungle adventure in our birthday suits to single happy birthday to our favorite character, our main monkey Heather Vargas! Only it seems our closest friends and family have decided to make some rude comments in the form of song to the tune of ”Happy Birthday to You”! Will our hero make it out alive? Find out next time on HVVSTU!

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Heather Vargas VS The Universe: Halloween-ish Birthday

Heather Vargas

Heather Vargas VS The Universe: Halloween-ish Birthday

Today our hero finds herself in a yearly struggle… her birthday is a couple days before Halloween. While it sounds like a nightmare and it can be at times, she still loves Halloween and it’s her favorite holiday! Or does she simply love getting to dress up and get presents for Halloween because it’s also her celebrating her birthday? Either way this is important to her! Now she is on a mission to find the perfect costume but does she have what i takes? Will she find the perfect costume this year? Find out next time on HVVSTU!

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Heather Vargas VS The Universe: That’s Life

Heather Vargas

Heather Vargas VS The Universe: That’s Life

Today our heroine stumbles into her first class on her first day of college at the University of Colorado Boulder! Luckily her professor for the Search for Life in the Universe course is humble with their contributions to science but dropped a huge knowledge bomb onto our main character. Defining life was never something she was taught previously and was super revolutionary to her. As it turns out the definition for life is a self containing chemical reaction capable of producing Darwinian evolution which means if you’re not reproducing you’re technically not alive. Is there any way she can make...

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Heather Vargas VS The Universe: First Day of School Problems

Heather Vargas

Heather Vargas VS The Universe: First Day of School Problems

Today our heroine starts her first day of school at the University of Colorado Boulder! It’s finally her big day and nerves have never been higher! Will she make friends? Will she be accepted? Will she embarrass herself flat on her face? Only time will tell. Join us on our journey as she finally starts to make her way through college in HVVSTU

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